My Studio


My studio is an 800 square-foot, climate-controlled space with both natural and full-spectrum artificial lighting. The space is packed to the walls with over five decades of work. Since my best creative time occurs in the early hours of the morning, I typically visit the studio around 3 a.m. Initially, some of my time is spent observing works in progress as I listen to the news or often to Leonard Cohen’s music. When I start working, I stop thinking about the work – too much thought can paralyze the creative process. After my early morning studio visit, I take care of routine daily business then return later in the evening.

In this period of my life, unlike the earlier years, my studio contains all the equipment, tools, materials and supplies required for making my work. This includes a 26”x 48” Conrad Combination Press, a press that serves all my printing needs; a full range of printing inks; a vast selection of quality printing paper; and an assortment of flat surfaces for rolling inks. A section of my studio space is setup specifically for drawing, oil painting, and for painting with watercolors, thus allowing several disciplines to be carried out during my working hours.